Buying steps for real estate

  1. Review Buying Process, determine property wants needs and desires
  2. Select Mortgage Lender, determine Budget and obtain Pre-approval letter
  3. Preview Properties
  1. Select Property to make an offer
  2. Review contingencies: Financing, Appraisal, HOA or Condo Docs, Inspections, etc, and select Title Company
  3. Finalize offer, sign and provide escrow check, then agent sends to listing agent
  4. Seller either accepts, rejects or counters and negotiations ensue until all agreed
  5. Sellers/Buyers accept, sign and initial any/all changes and contract is ratified/binding
  1. Loan application made & home insurance procured
  2. Inspections done
  3. Negotiate repairs
  4. Order Appraisal
  5. Title company sends out instructions and orders property abstract
  6. Obtain appraisal & negotiate if below contract price
  7. Order pest inspection
  8. Title Insurance commitment
  9. Title Examination sent to lender for approval and sends closing fees
  10. Lender finalizes loan file approval
  11. Lender prepares and sends closing disclosure to buyer
  12. Lender sends loan documents and wires funds to Title company
  13. Contact utility companies & conduct final walk-thru
  1. Settlement Day where seller and buyer sign all required documents, and buyer receives keys
  2. Title company has property recorded at County Courthouse and disburses funds
  3. Buyer is now property owner
  4. Time to move in and Celebrate!